Human Design

A Roadmap to Aligned, Purpose-Driven Living

I offer Human Design readings for people who find Human Design overwhelming or think it’s unnecessarily complicated.

Here’s the thing about Human Design: it can change your life.

However, it can also get very complicated very quickly (“My Incarnation Cross is what? My spleen is open? My Personality Mercury is in Gate 14 and my Design Jupiter is in Gate 20 and whaaaat? What the what?” ::closes computer::)

So I’m here to help.

Like many things in life, 80% of the benefit of Human Design comes from knowing 20% of your chart.

The other 80%? The one that gives you the remaining 20% of the benefit? Leave that to the people who freaking loooove Human Design. You know who I’m talking about. The ones who have spent so much time understanding the nuances of this system that they would have a Ph.D. in it if that were a thing.

You and I? We don’t need to know every single nuance of our charts to receive massive benefits. We can focus our attention on the 20% that will get us results now, then get back to our lives. (Unless, of course, you become captivated. If mastering Human Design lights you up, let it light you up!)

An Essentialist Reading

I offer a very specific type of chart reading.

It’s a foundational, pared down to the stuff you need to know for Human Design to begin making a difference in your life, don’t worry about the other stuff because it’s just going to bog you down style reading.

An essentialist reading, if you will.

Human Design’s primary purpose is to help you make better decisions.

Decisions that are aligned with your authentic self.

Decisions that are aligned with your personal path of least resistance.

Decisions that make your life easier and flowier.

Decisions that open the door to your best life becoming your actual life.

Human Design is the quickest path I know of to creating a life that’s filled with ease and flow, so I spread the message about it as prolifically as I can.

If you want to book a reading with me, we will cover:

  1. Your Energy Type - how to use your energy in a way that keeps you from getting burned out

  2. Your Authority - how to know when something is right for you and when it’s better to pass

  3. Your Strategy - how to step onto the path of least resistance and stay away from uphill battles

  4. Your Primary Gifts - how to find meaning, purpose and life satisfaction NOW, not when you have the perfect job or the perfect partner or the perfect fill-in-the-blank

If you’re open to it, we’ll throw in some shaman-y goodness during the reading so that you can jumpstart your journey into Human Design.

Readings last 45 minutes and cost $90. (Keep reading below the booking widget if that’s not an accessible price for you.)

In order to book a reading, you must know your time of birth.

If you already know a bit about Human Design, I’ll confirm what you’re thinking: I am, in fact, a Manifesting Generator. We’re master essentialists and finding the quickest path to success is our jam.

Book an appointment

Readings cost $90 USD and last 45-minutes. The vast majority of readings are offered over Zoom, but if we’re in the same town, in-person is an option (I live in Hong Kong).

If no appointments are available on my calendar (a frequent occurrence at the moment), please fill out this form and I will get in touch with you:

Some questions you may have:

Are you a trained reader or a hobbyist?

Trained. I enrolled in Jenna Zoe’s Level 1 and Level 2 training.

What can I do if I don’t know my time of birth?

Start with the easy stuff, like asking your parents or seeing if you can get your hands on a copy of your birth certificate. If that doesn’t work, there are astrologers who specialize in doing “chart rectifications,” which means they help people figure out their time of birth. This woman is supposed to be good.

What options do I have if your price isn’t accessible to me or I’m not ready to book a session?

There are a zillion and one resources available about Human Design because, like me, lots of people who explore it become obsessed with it.

The totally free path is to generate your chart here then focus your Googling on your:

  1. Type

  2. Strategy

  3. Authority

For your primary gifts exploration, I strongly suggest switching to the Gene Keys website, getting a free profile and then focusing on the second page (“My Gifts.”)

If you’re able to + comfortable spending a bit of money, Jenna Zoe and Richard Rudd are my favorite Human Design teachers. Jenna has a comprehensive library chock fulla Human Design videos on her website (buy the ones that are specific to your type, strategy and authority) and Richard has two books that are particularly useful:

  1. Human Design - The Revelation: A guide to basic Concepts, Centres Types and Definition

  2. Human Design - Circuitry: The complete guide to Circuits, Channels and Gates

I say this a lot on social media and my website, and I have no plan of cutting back: if you do not currently have the budget to pay for personalized readings or to invest in books and videos, it’s okay. You’re allowed to relax and not fall prey to messages that say that the only way you’ll have the life you want is by buying things.

Please. Please, please, please, please, PLEASE do not let this become an area where you beat yourself up. We’re (fingers crossed) on the verge of living in a world that’s not so garbage-y about money.

If you don’t have spare funds at the moment, use Google. Ask Chat GPT to help you make sense of your chart. Join Facebook groups and Meetups and other places where people are gathering to talk about Human Design and the Gene Keys.

In the decades to come, I myself will likely have a lot more free resources to share with you. But Rome wasn’t built in a day and I certainly can’t have the kind of life that I enjoy if I spend 15 hours a day in front of a computer creating content, can I?

Do you have any places of hosting workshops on this topic?

As a matter of fact, I do.

Except it will be less workshop-y, more gathering-y. People who love this topic gathering together to geek out over a shared interest.

If you’re interested, send me a note so I can email you whenever it starts (if it starts).

If you want to help make this gathering happen, tell me. I recently realized that it would be super cool if the work that I’m doing to address my need for a life full of meaning and purpose also created opportunities for other people to address their need for a life full of meaning and purpose.

Who can I work with if you’re not my cup of tea?

How empowered of you to know that I’m not your cup of tea. I really, really, really hope that you also know, deep down in your bones, the same way that you don’t like everyone, it’s not reasonable to expect everyone to like you.

And, the harder you try to be universally palatable, the more vanilla you become...and the more miserable you become.

Not a winning formula, eh?

But anyway. If you don’t like me, try one of the readers from Jenna Zoe’s site. I haven’t done a reading with her, but I really like the way Alexandra Cole shares Human Design wisdom.

Can you help me understand this “essentialist reading” niche that you’re addressing?

The thing about Human Design is that, while it is wildly useful, it’s also super complicated. Or at least it can be.

The first time a friend did a mini-reading for me, I thought, “Neat but this system is so freaking complicated that I’m turned off.” My current fan-girl obsession (Simone Grace Seol) says the same thing, “Look, I get that Human Design has wild, raving fans. At least twice a week, someone will ask me, ‘What’s your Human Design?’ and I’ll tell them to fuck off because I don’t know. I respect Human Design and get that people love it, but it doesn’t make sense to my brain. There are too many words in it.”

Preach, Simone.

Learning Human Design is a bit like learning Mandarin. Which is ironic because, in the time that I should have been learning Mandarin (I live in China), I was instead learning Human Design.

Mandarin is Mandarin. Right? It’s a thing that exists, a language that 1.1 billion people speak.

Human Design is Human Design. It’s a thing that exists, a system that a lot of people believe in.

With Mandarin, you can set out to learn it from a place of all-out, level 1000, I’m all in, I’m going to become fluent and master the characters passion.

Or you can be more like me. I don’t enjoy learning Mandarin. I get grumpy in my lessons. But I want to know enough to be able to get by day-to-day in China.

When I first started taking Mandarin lessons, I had a teacher who was setting me up to be able to master Mandarin. We went slowly and she sought perfection from me. She focused on laying a foundation that would serve me if I wanted to become fluent.

But I wasn’t interested in becoming fluent. I simply wanted to know enough to get by. So I switched teachers and worked with a woman who did “quick and dirty” Mandarin.

Which experience do you think was better for me?

I’m trying to offer a reading that serves the “I just want the quick and dirty version” niche.

People who don’t want to spend the next 7 years studying Human Design. They don’t care to master the system. They just want to know enough to be able to receive the benefits of this really, really cool thing that has helped me a lot.